I presume the S-BSY is from the DISPLAY U operator command. If that is the case, there is a good chance some other system is
- Actively using the volume.
- Has a "reserve" on the volume. This means your system cannot access any data on the volume while the other system has the "reserve."
- It is possible your system is very actively using the volume.
I suspect one or both of my first two bullets, not the third bullet. If this is the case, the volume is being used inappropriately; this is a matter your storage management people
and the systems programmers should be investigating.
If you are getting real "reserves" you should be looking at using the GRS function that is a standard feature of z/OS or a competing product such as CA-MIM to avoid these "reserves." The hardware "reserve" feature is very bad news for a number of reasons, but this is not an appropriate place to discuss the performance issues caused by the hardware "reserve" feature..