PDSE can't be deleted!

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PDSE can't be deleted!

Postby j2422tw » Wed Sep 23, 2009 12:15 pm

Hi :

I have a PDSE dataset, with error message "Internal service failed" when ISPF 3.4 dataset list and using 'I' information.

Try to delete it in ISPF, receive the message : IEC614I SCRATCH FAILED - RC 008, DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION IS (043D57D3)

Try to delete it by ISMF, receive the message same as ISPF, and no any space info in ISMF panel.

Try to delete it by IDCAMS, receive message same as ISPF, and more : IDC3009I ** VSAM CATALOG RETURN CODE IS 102 - REASON CODE IS IGG0CLFM-2

I had check the VVDS is no any record about this PDSE, still not to delete it.

The last method I know is to initial the volume to delete the PDSE.

Could someone give me any suggession to do ?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: PDSE can't be deleted!

Postby expat » Wed Sep 23, 2009 4:10 pm

Take a look at DELETE NVR, I seem to recall something similar happening to me in the dark and distant past.
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Re: PDSE can't be deleted!

Postby j2422tw » Thu Sep 24, 2009 7:24 am

Thank for expat's reply,

I try the DELETE NVR, the RC is 08, and JESMSGLG is :

IEC331I 042-006(043D57D3)

SYSPRINT msg is :


The dataset can un-catalog and rename, no any other user or task using it.

So still not know what's wrong.

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Re: PDSE can't be deleted!

Postby expat » Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:35 am

It may be worth having a word with one of the sysprogs to look at the format 4 DSCB record in the VTOC.

You also say that there is no entry in the VVDS for the dataset. Again in the past one of the methods used was to use DFdss (PGM=ADRDSSU) to perform a physical dump and delete of the dataset, and then to recover it from a last backup.
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Re: PDSE can't be deleted!

Postby j2422tw » Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:23 pm

Dear expat:

I had tried the method using DFdss to dump (success) and dump/delete (fail) processing
the dataset.

I punch the VTOC for DSCB detail , and can't find out other information that I understand.

I had tried using ISMF, CATALOG, UTILITY, and TOOLs to delete it, still not done.

So I will do initial the volume.

Many thanks for your reply my question.

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