i 'd like to avoid whed if ill ten Huge file (110 000 Cylinders) each one.
They all belon to the same Storage Group.
I use ten job (each job) fill one dataset.
They are guarantee space. It's the resason i'd like to fill then by using only the primary space to get one extent by volume
In the storage group, we have 59 volume. So ti fill each dataset, i need 1870 cylinders in primary space :
// SPACE=((CYL,1870),RLSE),VOL=(,,,59),
the dataclass is
Data Set Name Type . . . . . : EXTENDED
If Extended . . . . . . . . : REQUIRED
Extended Addressability . . : NO
Record Access Bias . . . . : USER
RMODE31 . . . . . . . . . . :
Space Constraint Relief . . . : YES
Reduce Space Up To (%) . . : 50
Guaranteed Space Reduction : NO
Dynamic Volume Count . . . :
Compaction . . . . . . . . . : YES
Spanned / Nonspanned . . . . :
My question is :
To avoid extent, may i have to run job one after one : I wait the end of the fisrt job to run the seconde, etc...
But this solution takes time.
If i run the fisrt job, and i wait 5 minutes (for example) to be sure the jobs the primary space in the 59 volumes)
And five minutes later, i run the second, etc...
I prefer this solution, because it doesn't take so much time (i don't have to wait then end of each job).
But with this solution, i'm not sure to avoid more than one extent in each volume.
Thank's for help and sorry my english.