by brjohnsmith » Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:29 am
I have been looking to some articles on Google, and it is a little confuse, especially when I am not an expert on z/OS.
There is SMS, SMF, and so on logstream and I dont know which one I should use. Besides this, there are some additional features or products, such as CICS VSAM RECOVERY, RLS, etc...that I also dont know if I will need them.
I am not running on SYSPLEX, and the currently the z/OS is 1.13, but we are planning to go to 2.1
The idea is only to have the updates from VSAM file BATCH or ONLINE into logstream.
I have defined the logstream and I am able to see when I use the command: d logger,l,lsn=* .
If someone can give me some hints or maybe if someone has a cookbook in how to use logstream, I would appreciate a lot in receiving it.