Splice JCL into one record for DD statement parms

IBM's Command List programming language & Restructured Extended Executor

Splice JCL into one record for DD statement parms

Postby phcribb » Thu Nov 05, 2020 9:31 pm

I am working on an SMS conversion and trying to identify some of the hard-coded VOL=SER references for certain DSN prefixes. I am looking for something that splices the JCL into one record per JOB, EXEC, or DD statement to make searching for certain dataset names with VOL=SER references easier. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I thought I would see if it has already been done by someone.
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Re: Splice JCL into one record for DD statement parms

Postby sergeyken » Fri Nov 06, 2020 6:25 am

phcribb wrote:I am working on an SMS conversion and trying to identify some of the hard-coded VOL=SER references for certain DSN prefixes. I am looking for something that splices the JCL into one record per JOB, EXEC, or DD statement to make searching for certain dataset names with VOL=SER references easier. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I thought I would see if it has already been done by someone.

In my former two or three projects I wrote such tools, both as REXX program, and as Edit Macro. Being familiar with REXX it took about one day, to make it handle all possible combinations of input data.
Unfortunately, those clients strictly prohibited to copy any real code out of the company. That’s why I don’t have it on hand right now. I’m lazy to re-create it again for no reason.
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Re: Splice JCL into one record for DD statement parms

Postby prino » Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:11 pm

phcribb wrote:I am working on an SMS conversion and trying to identify some of the hard-coded VOL=SER references for certain DSN prefixes. I am looking for something that splices the JCL into one record per JOB, EXEC, or DD statement to make searching for certain dataset names with VOL=SER references easier. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I thought I would see if it has already been done by someone.

I have the code to do this (and a lot more), but why do you need it if you can find a "VOL=SER=XXXXXX" with a
f p'VOL=SER=^^^^^^'
edit find command?
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Re: Splice JCL into one record for DD statement parms

Postby phcribb » Fri Nov 06, 2020 8:06 pm

Hi Robert, I need to search for certain DSN prefixes and for a certain VOL=SER prefix. For example, DSN=MACPAC* and VOL=SER=PRD* within the JCL proclib for all members containing that pattern. Anything you could offer would be appreciated. For general purpose for the other users, I think it would nice to have a general purpose JCL splicer that splices the JCL into one record per JOB, EXEC, or DD statement. I found one Rexx program written by Marc Vincent Irvin (below) that was a response to the same requirement, but I can’t make heads or tails out of it. Also I found Frank Clarke's JCL splitter (below) which I think I can modify, but I thought I would ask if anyone has ever come across a JCL splicer. I can see where both of the utilities (JCL Splitter and JCL Splicer) would be useful.

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