I have VSAM file (500 bytes length).
Key is PIC 9(15) COMP-3 in POS 1. It contains so called reversed timestamp.
When this field is created it's calculated this way:
99999999999999 minus current-date-time (CCYYMMDDHHMMSS)
For example todays date 20111122000000 will be stored as 79888877999999
So file looks like this:
79889898999999 this is just to show value 20110101000000
79889798999999 this is just to show value 20110201000000
79889698999999 this is just to show value 20110301000000
79889598999999 this is just to show value 20110401000000
79889498999999 this is just to show value 20110501000000
79889398999999 this is just to show value 20110601000000
79889298999999 this is just to show value 20110701000000
79889198999999 this is just to show value 20110801000000
79889098999999 this is just to show value 20110901000000
79888998999999 this is just to show value 20111001000000
79888898999999 this is just to show value 20111101000000
79888798999999 this is just to show value 20111201000000
79889898999999 this is just to show value 20110101000000
79889798999999 this is just to show value 20110201000000
79889698999999 this is just to show value 20110301000000
79889598999999 this is just to show value 20110401000000
79889498999999 this is just to show value 20110501000000
79889398999999 this is just to show value 20110601000000
79889298999999 this is just to show value 20110701000000
79889198999999 this is just to show value 20110801000000
79889098999999 this is just to show value 20110901000000
79888998999999 this is just to show value 20111001000000
79888898999999 this is just to show value 20111101000000
79888798999999 this is just to show value 20111201000000
Now, I need to delete (OMIT) records where reversed timestamp (POS 1 PIC9(15) COMP-3) is over 90 days old.
I tried different combinations but failed

Please let me know if it's impossible to do in SYNCSORT.