ISPF questions -- needing clarification

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ISPF questions -- needing clarification

Postby KBCrew » Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:23 am

I need some help and I'm stuck on knowing my thinking is correct of not.... Could you reply if I am right or wrong in my thinking....

*F5 is used when searching for a word in a data set - correct??

*The correct syntax to replace all instances of the word mainframes to services in a data set is
REP Mainframes Servers ALL -- Correct?

*L PRod is a primary command that locates and positions the cursor to the first dataset in the listing with the characters PROD -- Correct???

* TSO is still running after ending an ISPF session - Correct??

* Listcat ENT(student) alias all is the correct syntax of the command to display the alias associated with HHLQ of student -- Correct??

* PDS and PDSE data sets contain members - Correct??

*Free is the TSO command that will deallocate datasets no longer needed -- Correct??

* I3 would add three more lines to enter data when entered in the prefix area of a dataset in an edit panel -- Correct?

* Compress s the TWO command recovers waste space formerly occupied by deleted or updated members and is not available for use again -- Correct?

* F12 (cancel) and enter LOGOFF on the Primary Option Menu are two ways to end the ISPF session -- correct??

* Given a data set name of "IBM.Z.Mainframe" what is the Low level Qualifier (LLQ) -- Mainframe -- Correct??

* After successfully logging on to TSO what is the correct action to perform when three asterisks (***) appear - Pressing the Enter Key -- Correct??

* The syntax of the TSO command to list the basic attributes of data set IBM.Inventory.Results is Listde(IBM.Inventory.Results) -- correct??

* The correct procedure to logoff TSO is to enter the word logoff on the Primary Option Menu -- Correct??

* Allocate is when you establish a link to a data set

* I6 is the command in the prefix area to add six additional lines --- correct??

* O in the prefix line copies data from a specified column of one or more source records to the corresponding columns of one of more existing records -- Correct ??

* F5 is the function key to locate a word in a data set again -- correct??

* The three methods of entering TSO commands are
ISPF primary menu option 6
Command option line of the ISPF panel
from the command prompt __ correct??

* Your userid is accepted in upper and lower case - and mixed case correct??

Any ideas and help is appreciated!!!
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Re: ISPF questions -- needing clarification

Postby sergeyken » Sun Jul 16, 2023 5:23 am

KBCrew wrote:*F5 is used when searching for a word in a data set - correct??

In EDIT or VIEW environment this is true; otherwise it’s not.
*The correct syntax to replace all instances of the word mainframes to services in a data set is
REP Mainframes Servers ALL -- Correct?

Wrong. The command Change ALL mainframes servers with optional WORD option must be used

*L PRod is a primary command that locates and positions the cursor to the first dataset in the listing with the characters PROD -- Correct???

It depends. This command can be used in different environments. In ISPF option 3.4 (LISTDS) it locates the first PR** dataset.

* TSO is still running after ending an ISPF session - Correct??

This is correct; furthermore: TSO is still running after you LOGOFF from TSO!

* Listcat ENT(student) alias all is the correct syntax of the command to display the alias associated with HHLQ of student -- Correct??

It is used to display all DSNAMEs with HLQ=STUDENT, including possible aliases.

* PDS and PDSE data sets contain members - Correct??


*Free is the TSO command that will deallocate datasets no longer needed -- Correct??

Not exactly. FREE in TSO environment would release the specified DDNAME which might have been “linked” to a particular DSNAME.
The same FREE in LISTDS (3.4) would free unused physical space at the end of the dataset.
The meaning of the term “deallocate dataset” is not strictly defined.

* I3 would add three more lines to enter data when entered in the prefix area of a dataset in an edit panel -- Correct?

Correct if in EDIT or VIEW environment; incorrect otherwise.

* Compress s the TWO command recovers waste space formerly occupied by deleted or updated members and is not available for use again -- Correct?

What is “TWO”?
COMPRESS command may recover space within an obsolete PDS dataset (“library”), but does nothing for PDSE dataset.

* F12 (cancel) and enter LOGOFF on the Primary Option Menu are two ways to end the ISPF session -- correct??

F-key may end the ISPF session (if not re-defined). The next LOGOFF primary command would end TSO session.

* Given a data set name of "IBM.Z.Mainframe" what is the Low level Qualifier (LLQ) -- Mainframe -- Correct??


* After successfully logging on to TSO what is the correct action to perform when three asterisks (***) appear - Pressing the Enter Key -- Correct??

Yes, if you want to be ready to enter further commands.

* The syntax of the TSO command to list the basic attributes of data set IBM.Inventory.Results is Listde(IBM.Inventory.Results) -- correct??

Syntax error in the specified command.

* The correct procedure to logoff TSO is to enter the word logoff on the Primary Option Menu -- Correct??


* Allocate is when you establish a link to a data set

ALLOCATE command performs a lot of actions; the most minor of them is, “linkage” to a dataset.

* I6 is the command in the prefix area to add six additional lines --- correct??

Correct if in EDIT or VIEW environment; wrong otherwise.

* O in the prefix line copies data from a specified column of one or more source records to the corresponding columns of one of more existing records -- Correct ??

OVERRIDE command is used to replace only blank characters of the line with corresponding characters from another line.

* F5 is the function key to locate a word in a data set again -- correct??

F5 repeats the last FIND command on searching ANY STRING of characters.

* The three methods of entering TSO commands are
ISPF primary menu option 6
Command option line of the ISPF panel
from the command prompt __ correct??

Mainly correct.

* Your userid is accepted in upper and lower case - and mixed case correct??

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Re: ISPF questions -- needing clarification

Postby KBCrew » Sun Jul 16, 2023 6:30 am

Thank YOU so much!!!!
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Re: ISPF questions -- needing clarification

Postby willy jensen » Sun Jul 16, 2023 3:57 pm

In addition to what Sergejkan already answered:

*F5 is used when searching for a word in a data set - correct??
F5 is used to do a repeat search, using the previous search criteria whatever this may be.

* Listcat ENT(student) alias all is the correct syntax of the command to display the alias associated with HHLQ of student -- Correct??
Correct, but you must put the name in quotes if you have profile PREFIX(something). To display all DSNAMEs with HLQ=STUDENT, including possible aliases, you must use the LISTC LVL('STUDENT') command.

* Compress s the TWO command recovers waste space formerly occupied by deleted or updated members and is not available for use again -- Correct?
I'd rephrase the answer to COMPRESS command may recover obsolete space within a PDS dataset (“library”), but does nothing for PDSE dataset.

* The syntax of the TSO command to list the basic attributes of data set IBM.Inventory.Results is Listde(IBM.Inventory.Results) -- correct??
Wrong, the command is LISTDS 'IBM.Inventory.Results' - again be aware of quoting.

* The correct procedure to logoff TSO is to enter the word logoff on the Primary Option Menu -- Correct??
Mostly, newer ISPF releases accepts the primary command =XALL to terminate all but the first screen, from where you can do the logoff.

* F5 is the function key to locate a word in a data set again -- correct??
Again, F5 (in edit) does a repeated search using the previous search argument.

* The three methods of entering TSO commands are
ISPF primary menu option 6
Command option line of the ISPF panel
from the command prompt __ correct??
Mosty, you can also use the TSO verb followed by the command from any ISPF command line, i.e. TSO LISTDS 'IBM.Inventory.Results'.
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Re: ISPF questions -- needing clarification

Postby KBCrew » Mon Jul 17, 2023 4:09 am

Thank YOU!!
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Re: ISPF questions -- needing clarification

Postby willy jensen » Mon Jul 17, 2023 12:41 pm

Oops, correction, the ISPF primary command =XALL will terminate all screens.
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