aha, tks to every elder, in fact, I have learn something about COBOL, JCL, SMS. Recently I just create some users By RACF. Then I find the difference between the new user's panle with the general user ADCDA's. I am a rookie means I am a newer for the forum. Maybe I can find the keypoint in the Redbooks of ibm about ISPF programing?
Robert Sample wrote:If you're a rookie, then this is probably NOT the best place to start messing with. You need to spend weeks -- or months -- learning about z/OS, TSO, and 3270 terminals before you go much further since mucking about with the screen defintiions could leave you with an unusable system. To give you a start, here's some data about the TSO/ISPF main menu screen:
Menu Utilities Compilers Options Status Help
S ³ Status Options ³ F Primary Option Menu
³ SYS1 ISPSAMHP ISPF Status Tutorial ³
³ More: + ³
³ Status Area on the Primary Option Menu ³
³ ³
³ The status area on the ISPF Primary Option Menu (the right-most 21 ³
³ columns) is now a dynamic area that you can manipulate from two places: ³
³ ³
³ o The Status pull-down on the ISPF Primary Option Menu action bar. Use ³
³ this pull-down to specify what you want to display in the status area. ³
³ See "Status Pull-Down" for additional information and examples. ³
³ ³
³ o The "Status Area..." choice from the Menu pull-down that is available ³
³ on most action bars throughout ISPF. Use this facility to define the ³
³ contents of the status area. See "Status Area Choice" for additional ³
³ information and examples. ³
³ ³
³ Each logical screen and the Status pop-up window remembers its own status ³
³ area view. ³
³ ³
³ F1=Help F2=Split F3=Exit F4=Resize F5=Exhelp ³
³ F6=Keyshelp F7=PrvPage F8=NxtPage F9=Swap F10=PrvPage ³
Hint: learn to hit the F1 (PF1 to the mainframe) key often -- this usually has help information in TSO/ISPF and may save you a lot of questions.