Updating ISPF tables.

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Updating ISPF tables.

Postby Richard Eden » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:24 pm

I need to update ISPF tables. I have a REXX procedure to do this which works OK if I run it from a TSO session. But when I try to run it from a batch job using IKJEFT01 to ISPSTART the REXX program it fails.

So, does anyone have any idea how to update ISPF tables using IKJEFT01 to ISPSTART a REXX program?

Thanks for any advice.
Richard Eden
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Re: Updating ISPF tables.

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:25 pm

But when I try to run it from a batch job using IKJEFT01 to ISPSTART the REXX program it fails.

wouldn' t it be nice if You told us how it failed ?
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Re: Updating ISPF tables.

Postby Richard Eden » Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:00 pm

The failure I get depends on how I allocate the table lirary.

If I allocate the table library like this:


the tbopen command fails and returns this:
ISPT036 Table in use -/-TBOPEN issued for table SH4AUD00 that is in use, ENQUEUE failed.

But if I allocate the table library like this:


the tbopen, tbscan, and tbput all return RC 0, but the tbclose fails. I get System abend code C1300 and this message is written to my job log:

IEC153I C13-10,IFG0194A,JBPS11A,THEBIZ,SH4TLIB-0002,2B8C,TMP114,hiqual.ISPTLIB

Thanks for any help and advice.
Richard Eden
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Re: Updating ISPF tables.

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:19 pm

Updating common tables under ISPF has always been a murky issue
ISPF is somehow overprotective of its tables

I usually solve the problem by
creating the table using a different name
and when nobody is using the common table
just copy and rename the <dummy> one to the <active> one

for the second problem ...


did You read the manuals for the description of the
SC13 abend
and the related
IEC153i-10 message
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