XMIT in monoplex environment

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XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby mfgeta » Tue Sep 27, 2011 10:15 am

hi folks,

I have a question on TSO xmit, my environment is monoplex . i have tried transmitting dataset from one lpar to another lpar in same Z server using jes2 node.but here we are having same node name in both lpar. i am getting below message while transmitting data.

INMX000I 0 message and 19 data records sent as 131 records to N1.userid
INMX001I Transmission occurred on 09/26/2011 at 10:08:02. "

but when i tried receiving the data from another lpar , i got below message:
"INMR003I You have no messages or data sets to receive. "

could you please anyone clarify xmit works on monoplex environment.

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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby steve-myers » Wed Sep 28, 2011 12:08 am

XMIT works in all JES2 and JES3 environments. Just exactly what do you mean by a "monoplex?"
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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby Robert Sample » Wed Sep 28, 2011 1:59 am

There is such a thing as a "sysplex", however I've never heard of "monoplex" until your post. And Google tells me "monoplex" apparently relates to some kind of mollusk, so I'm not sure how you could possibly apply that to mainframes. Terminology is critical in IT, where similar terms may mean very different things. And you need to learn the vocabulary -- the fact that multiple people are telling you they don't know the term "monoplex" should tell you something.

Almost certainly, your TRANSMIT is failing because you're not providing the right data. Go to each LPAR, submit a job, and note the SYS field on the output of the job for the $HASP373 message. Those fields are the NODE names you need -- from the JES2 Initialization and Tuning Reference manual glossary:
node. (1) One of the systems in a network of systems connected by communication lines or CTC adapters. (2) In VTAM, an addressable point in a telecommunication system defined by a symbolic name. (3) In JES2 NJE, one or more job entry subsystems sharing a common job queue.
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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby steve-myers » Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:17 am

Mr. Sample is correct if each LPAR is defined as a JES2 "node." A node can be numbered {N1, N2 and so on) or they can have proper names. You have to get the proper names yourself; we can't help you.

They may also be configured as separate systems in a JES2 MAS (Multi Access SPOOL) environment. If this is the case the two LPARs are in the same JES2 node, but you still have to provide the correct node name.
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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby mfgeta » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:10 am


Thanks Steve and Robert for your valuable time to reply.

please correct me if i m wrong. monoplex is the word where we using in IEASYS00 parmlib member (PLEXCFG=MONOPLEX), which indicates our system is single system sysplex configuration . could you please tell me how to achieve xmit in this case . i have to trasmit data between two lpars in same systems complex.
we don't have multi access spool(MAS) in our environment . is there any possibility to transfer data without MAS?

please clarify me if my precise is wrong.
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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:15 am

And you need to learn the vocabulary -- the fact that multiple people are telling you they don't know the term "monoplex" should tell you something.

I am not telling anything

it has been part of IBM literature for a very loong time
the term has been there at at least since os390 2.9
that what I can demonstrate with the material I have quickly available ( an IPLed 2.9 system )
... if I could spend time researching the term could be found in earlier releases

from the 1.12 zOS
Indicates that the system is to be a single-system sysplex that must use a sysplex couple data set. Additional couple data sets, such as those that contain policy information, can also be used. XCF coupling services are available on the system, and multisystem applications can create groups and members. Messages can flow between members on this system (but not between this system and other MVS systems) via XCF signaling services. If signaling paths are specified, they are not used.
You must specify a COUPLExx parmlib member that gives the system access to a sysplex couple data set to be used only by this system. When a system IPLs into a single-system sysplex, no other system is allowed to join the sysplex.

Use MONOPLEX when you want only one system in the sysplex (for example, to test multisystem applications on one system) or when you want to use a function, such as WLM, that require a couple data set.

the first four hits of googling with IBM monoplex
https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview ... g3T1010437
https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview ... sg1OA09159
https://www-304.ibm.com/support/docview ... sg1OA25862
http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocente ... plnpsp.htm

and here is description of the PLEXCFG parameter from the 2.10 manuals
http://publibz.boulder.ibm.com/cgi-bin/ ... T#FIRSTHIT
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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:33 am

:oops: I forgot the smiley...
change I am not telling anything
to I am not telling anything :D
When I tell somebody to RTFM or STFW I usually have the page open in another tab/window of my browser,
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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby steve-myers » Wed Sep 28, 2011 10:41 am

Several LPARs in one "sysplex" are usually configured as members in a JES2 MAS and are one JES2 NJE node. as discussed in my previous post.
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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:04 am

we don't have multi access spool(MAS) in our environment . is there any possibility to transfer data without MAS?

XMIT/RECEIVE does not depend sysplex on MAS configuration
depends only on the JES connectivity..
( sysplex / MAS might only speed up the data movement, but nothing more )

a successful XMIT tells pretty nothing as in this case,
Your use of N1.userid implies that You are sending things within the same <MAS/JES>
it would be very strange/odd for it to fail, and data will just sit in <Your own> spool

if the RECEIVING side is not on the same MAS/JES
You must find out from Your support the NODE name of the <other> interested party
and inquire about the JES connectivity

if there is no connectivity, You must devise some other way of exchanging info/data

download on the PC/ shuffle things using an USB key / reloadon the other system
but almost everywhere the approach will lead to lawful termination :D
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Re: XMIT in monoplex environment

Postby mongan » Wed Sep 28, 2011 11:34 am

We also run our systems with PLEXCFG=MONOPLEX. Today, most companies use sysplexes, but, seeing as how we have VM, we run every machine in monplex. So, mfgeta was not so far off after all. The problem is that mfgeta thinks that this has something to do with his JES communication, which is not true. That subject has been addressed in the previous posts, and seeing as how this depends on the local definitions, mfgeta has to do some more research. Communication between systems can be tricky and involve several components, the question is can the JES systems communicate with one another at all?
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