Rexx panel

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Rexx panel

Postby Julie » Fri Jun 24, 2011 3:02 pm

Hello all.
I try to display a table in a rexx panel in which we can select several DDNAMEs. This panel looks like that.
PDS NAME ===> ________________________                                                  
Select     DDNAME                                               
_     JESMSGLG                                             
_     JESJCL                                               
_     JESYSMSG                                             
_     TOOLMSG                                             
_     DFSMSG                                               
_     OUT01                                               

I manage to display this panel, my problem is to return the several inputs put in Select column.
I use a table to display the DDNAME and the inputs have "the same name".
My code is the following.
)BODY WINDOW(62,20) EXPAND(çç)                                         
+PDS NAME ===>µZ                                                       
¤Select ¤DDNAME                                                         
µZ+     {Z                                                             
.ZVARS = '(DSN S DDNAME)'                                               
&VARLIST = 'O,N'                                                       
.ATTR(S) = 'JUST(LEFT)'                                                 
.ATTR(DDNAME) = 'JUST(LEFT)'                                           
.CURSOR = 'DSN'                                                         
&ZTDMARK = 'PF3 : RETOUR'                                               
&KEY = .PFKEY                                                           
VER (&CHOIX,LISTV &VARLIST)                                             
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Re: Rexx panel

Postby prino » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:05 pm

REXX panels do not exist, learn to use correct terminology!
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Re: Rexx panel

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:52 pm

here is a good source for ideas on how to develop an ISPF application ... 1028105440
old but still very useful
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Re: Rexx panel

Postby Julie » Fri Jun 24, 2011 6:43 pm

Sorry ISPF panel.
Thanks enrico, I still can not get several variables. I get the first selected DDNAME and I don't find examples of rexx code which show how to get all the variables. I only find the part which code ispf panel
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Re: Rexx panel

Postby mongan » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:47 pm

This is just a piece of the necessary code:
do while trc < 8 /* repeat until PF3 */
trc = rc
/********** process the Line-Commands ****************************
do while ZTDSELS > 0
lcmd = translate(lcmd) /* line command uppercase */

The panel fields have the value of the line where you entered the line command. This should help you, look at examples in your shop - this will help you also to see the standards that are used in your shop for names and design of the rexx and panels.
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Re: Rexx panel

Postby Julie » Fri Jun 24, 2011 7:57 pm

Thanks mongan.
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