Downloading a dataset as .CSV format

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Downloading a dataset as .CSV format

Postby sankar.guna » Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:07 pm


Can anyone tell me how to download a dataset into a .CSV format file ?
Thanks a lot.,
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Re: Downloading a dataset as .CSV format

Postby arunprasad.k » Thu Apr 03, 2008 5:44 pm

Just download the comma demilited file and rename it as SOME_NAME.CSV :D

Here are the few points to remember about comma demilited file.

#1 Each field should be seperated with a comma (you can use any symbol other symbol too). For example,


#2 If one of your fields already has ',' in it, then you have to be little careful and have to add double quotes to differentiate the delimiter. For example,


If this is not what you want, then post the requirements clearly.

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Re: Downloading a dataset as .CSV format

Postby dick scherrer » Fri Apr 04, 2008 2:02 am


Can anyone tell me how to download a dataset into a .CSV format file ?
Downloading the file should not be a problem. Keep in mind that the download will not make csv data from plain text data - the mainframe process that creates the file must also create the delimiters.

If there is any chance that the data might contain commas as data, i'd suggest using a different delimiter. The tab character (x'05') works well. It you might have commas in the data and must use commas as the delimiters, then do as suggested and wrap each field in double quotes.
Hope this helps,
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