So, thanks for the answer guys...
Let me just put some things straight here:
Sure, my plan was to take a look at the manuals as soon as I got home, I was accessing the forums and the z/OS thru my mobile phone while trying to sort the data sets (see, it's 1am here and I just arrived, busy day >_>). It wasn't my intention to actually "paste the problem here and crawl begging for someone to do my work". I appreciate your help, thanks!
You see, I've been working with mainframes (mainly z/OS) for like a year in a trainee position. I'm not saying I'm an expert already (lol, i still need to go thru a loooooong way

) but I know how to manage myself there, I would eventually find out - as soon as I were able to get home and try to find, if I hadn't found out the answer here...
Since I first had my 1st contact with this 'world', i've been using the forums to learn everytime I needed something, it's a good way for students (like me) to look for references (see, LOOK FOR REFERENCES, not complete solutions)...
Well, not making this too big, I managed to filter the DS's, thanks once again for the help!
Have a good night and an explendid weekend