Could anyone say the difference between RSU and PUT Level in SMPE ?
and from http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.w ... 8290&aid=1Content
The RSU (Recommended Service Upgrade) and PUT processes are different but both are related to maintenance. The PUT (Program Update Tape) process is being phased out.
The CST (Consolidated Service Test) and the RSU information can be found here, you can register in the following link to be notified by email when a new RSU has completed testing:
The Recommended Service Upgrade (RSU) was introduced in 2001 and continues to provide a consistent, installable, and tested preventive maintenance level for the z/OS operating system, key subsystems such as CICS®, DB2®, IMS™, MQSeries®, WebSphere® Application Server, and many of the other IBM tools and products that run on the z/OS platform.