You need to spend more time reading the
MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference manual. Section 2.2 is titled
What are system symbols? and contains, among other things, these words:
Static System Symbol
A symbol whose substitution text is defined at system initialization and remains fixed for the life of an IPL. (One exception, &SYSPLEX, has a substitution text that can change at one point in an IPL; see "Step 6. Code support for system symbols in LOADxx" in topic 2.3.6 for details.) Static system symbols are used to represent fixed values such as system names and sysplex names.
Static system symbols have two types:
System-defined static system symbols already have their names defined to the system. Your installation defines substitution texts or accepts system default texts for the static system symbols, which are:
&SYSR1 (Note: Your installation cannot define substitution text for &SYSR1.)
&SYSALVL (Note: Your installation cannot define substitution text for &SYSALVL.)
Installation-defined static system symbols are defined by your installation. The system programmer specifies their names and substitution texts in the SYS1.PARMLIB data set.
In other words, there doesn't have to be anything in SYS1.PARMLIB or anywhere else to define these five symbols -- they are automatically defined by the system.
Further, your statement in your original post
I am trying to perform indirect cataloging of all the sysres volume for sysres clone process. For this process we have to specify the symbols at IEASYMxx but this parmlib member is not found in any of the Parmlib datasets.
makes no sense. In order to do indirect cataloging, you merely have to USE the symbols -- you do not define any symbols while doing indirect cataloging! Perhaps you need to step back and take a look at what you're attempting to accomplish, as so far it seems all you're doing is muddying the water by mixing concepts.