Hello guys.
I am trying to optimize my work process in my day to day life as an it developer in a larger bank. Right now, all development is done using Rational Developer for System Z (RDz), working with files on the Endevor reposity, and there are several issues with this solution that I would like to develop a work-around for in my spare time.
Right now I am very much in the blind about how communication with the mainframe and Endevor is done from a PC. As I can see, it is possible to do so, since RDz does exactly that.
What I really need may not be so complex. I need to understand how clients like RDz or Personal Communications are able to communicate with the mainframe. Alternatively, I could try and generate some sort of script to retrieve files from Endevor on the host, since I am able to FTP to an MVS and get files that way. But I have no way of FTP'ing to an Endevor repository.
Basically I would like a way to get files from Endevor and on to my desktop, so I can edit them there in my favorite text editor, and then a way to put them back again.
Any suggestions as to how I should get started on this?