by Robert Sample » Fri Feb 11, 2011 5:36 pm
Probably 95 to 99% of the time when you do a CEMT, the transactions will show as suspended. A task shows up as active when it is using the CPU -- and since most tasks spend most of their time waiting (for a terminal response, for a file read / write / delete / update / start browse / end browse, for a TSQ read / write, for a TDQ read / write, ...) they usually show suspended in CEMT.
Your CEMT showed 4 tasks -- two CEMT tasks, one CKAM task, and one T077 task. Since CEMT tasks don't go into hard loops, and CKAM (whatever that is) is a system task (note the user name is the CICS region name), it is very unlikely to be in a loop -- although if it is that's the easy fix since you could report the loop to IBM and THEY would resolve the loop and issue a fix for the program. The only other possible culprit would be T077, which is a user written program and hence much ore likely to be looping.
Now, T077 is in FCPSWAIT status. A quick Google search will tell you that FCPSWAIT is waiting for a private string. I would find out which file the wait is for (code inspection will usually help there) and have the CICS support group add some strings to the defintiion of that file (and find out why the current value is not enough).