We have 3 input files.
First File Contains employee id(length = 11) from position 1-11 along with other fields.
2nd file Contains employee id(length = 11) from position 1-11, status field (having only 2 values either 'Start' or Stop') starting at position 47 to 51,along with various other fields.
3rd file also contains employee id(length = 11) from position 1-11, and driver-status-field(having only 2 values either 'Active' or 'Inactive') starting at position 1055 to 1063,along with various other fields.
We have to retrieve employee id from file 1, check the same in file 2 and file 3.
From File 2 retrieve the status(either 'Start' or 'Stop') and check for the driver-status-field in file 3.
If status is 'Start' and the driver-status = 'Active' ------include the record from file 1 to an output file
If status is 'Start' and the driver-status = 'inactive' ------omit the record.
If status is 'Stop and the driver-status = 'Active' ------omit the record.
If status is 'Stop' and the driver-status = 'inactive' ------include the record from file 1 to an output file
Can this be done using Syncsort/ICETOOL??