I have an input file as follows (File A) and another VSAM lookup file (File B)
The rules -
The keys from B will need to be looked up in input A in multiple columns. If there is a match of the keys in any of the columns of input , it will be written to a
matched file, and the unmatched records from A will be written to another file. In the example below, the columns in file A to be searched are 1:11, 19:29, 31:41, 43:53 , and 55:65.
File B (key file) - (cols 1:11)
00179009330 68865474940494
00179102650 30062775537799
00656566453 64996600884844
00656566454 64996600884844
00179102650 30062775537799
00656566453 64996600884844
00656566454 64996600884844
Input file A
00179009330 Smith 00453405343 00179009330 00984323443
00179102650 John 00179102650 00356877555
00587656755 Doe 00179195730 00656566454
00485758655 Alice 00643343333 00000000222 00444443333 00775857575
00179009330 Jane 00656566453 00000000222
00179102650 John 00179102650 00356877555
00587656755 Doe 00179195730 00656566454
00485758655 Alice 00643343333 00000000222 00444443333 00775857575
00179009330 Jane 00656566453 00000000222
Output file (unmatched)
00485758655 Alice 00643343333 00000000222 00444443333 00775857575
Output file (matched)
00179009330 Smith 00453405343 00179009330 00984323443
00179102650 John 00179102650 00356877555
00587656755 Doe 00179195730 00656566454
00179009330 Jane 00656566453 00000000222
00179102650 John 00179102650 00356877555
00587656755 Doe 00179195730 00656566454
00179009330 Jane 00656566453 00000000222
Is there any elegant way I could use splice/joinkeys for the multiple fields without having to go through several passes with joinkeys?
Thank you!