meena wrote:how to remove particular 5th,9th,11th record from the input file using syncsort.. i'm using SYNCTOOL RELEASE 1.6.0 so my version is not supporting icetool's subset/datasort commands.. kindly suggest some way
This is doable, there are some working examples also in this forum; however, if you are looking for an exact answer, you need to a better job in explainng the requirements.
Do you have only 11 records in input file? Out of which you want to copy 5th,9th,11th records? What should be the next record in output - 15th? Is it a one time task - looks like no, as you want to do it using SyncSort. So what is the LRECL, RECFM of input an output?
Suggest you show some sample input and the expected output from that as well.