I want to use SYNCSORT to match records in two files (FB/PS). The records in the two files, FILE1 and FILE2, all have two common keys for matching. When a match is found, the common key and one data field from each record are output to an output file, FILE3. Records in both FILE1 and FILE2 have a record length of 36 char.
The two common keys in the records of the two files are in pos. 1-11 and pos. 13-24. FILE1 has a data field in pos 26-30 and blanks in pos. 31-36.
FILE2 has a data field in pos. 31-36 and blanks in 26-30.
Can someone provide a sample JCL to show how FILE3 is generated below using SYNCSORT?
00000111111 000001234567 LOCAL =====
00000333333 000003456789 LOCAL =====
00000555555 000005678901 EXTRN =====
00000666666 000006789012 EXTRN =====
00000777777 000007890123 LOCAL =====
00000222222 000002345678 ===== BCDEF
00000444444 000004567890 ===== DEFGH
00000666666 000006789012 ===== FGHIJK
00000888888 000008901234 ===== HIJKLM
00000999999 000009012345 ===== JKLLMN
FILE3 (Output)
00000666666 000006789012 EXTRN FGHIJK
Many thanks!