I am curious about efficiencies that I can build into my Sort steps so speed them along faster. I have files to sort each day where the sork keys are simple, but there can be many parts of them. Sometimes one key will have 11 different parts. Example:
SORT FIELDS=(1,23,A,522,1,A,471,2,A,24,3,A,111,50,A,87,3,A,161,310,A,
I have about 20+ Million records a night, LRECL=2171, RECFM = VB
I am curious if I should focus on moving the parts of the key out in position 552, 471, and 494 closer to the front of the records? They are still on the first 1/4 of the max record length.
Another option I can look at is combining the fields so they are contiguous and would require less individual parameters, but I don't know if having many parameters slows down SORT or not.
Advice is appreciated.