hi guys.
i can't use the OMVS by omvs command.
here is the message:
FSUM2055I The OMVS command cannot use the message catalog.+
FSUM2149I No session was started. No pseudo-TTYs are available.+
FSUM2056I Function = catopen(), catalog name = '/usr/lib/nls/msg/C/fsumucat.cat
', return value = -1, errno = 134 (X'00000086'), reason code = 052C04DC, descrip
tion = 'EDC5134I Function not implemented.'
FSUM2150I Function = stat(), ending name = '/dev/ptyp0000', return value = -1,
errno = 134 (X'00000086'), reason code = 052C04DC, description = 'EDC5134I Funct
ion not implemented.'
can someone tell me how to solve it?