Ok, heres my situation. About 3 months ago IT came up and replaced a womans computer with a new one. We have a MACRO that run's in CICS on our mainframe and get's some information as per it's screen position and the dumps it into an access DB. Ever since the replacement of the computer, the macro will not run correctly. She can log into a different persons PC and get it to run without an issue but anybody logged into her PC can't run it. I have rebuilt the macro and reinstalled Access to no avail. The mainframe sessions are logged on a network so there not the issue either. It's obviously the way the computer was replaced. I was wondering if someone could tell me what the Macro could be running with (.NET, VB, etc.) that I chould check it's settings and try to reinstall it. It has to be something on the computer.
The error I'm getting is:
DAO.Field: No current record.
Line number 72.
Stopping Macro Playback.
Heres the macro.
Option Explicit
'$include "basics.ebh"
Global access_db, full_ident, in_opol, users_table as Object
Global dbDenyRead, dbDenyWrite, dbOpenTable, dbOpenSnapshot, dbUseJet, wdDoNotSaveChanges
Global vbYesNo, vbYes, vbNo
Function get_sequence_number(db as Object)
dim table as Object, seq_num
set table = db.OpenRecordset("cap_summary_seq", dbOpenTable, dbDenyRead Or dbDenyWrite)
seq_num = table("summary_seq_num")
table("summary_seq_num") = seq_num + 1
get_sequence_number = seq_num
End Function
Function fixup_bene(s)
If len(s) = 0 Then
fixup_bene = s
fixup_bene = Chr(10) & s
End If
End Function
function format_status(status)
if status = "I/F" then
format_status = "In Force"
elseif status = "SUR" then
format_status = "Surrendered"
format_status = status
end if
end function
Function find_next_gic_renewal(dte)
Dim done, i, test_date
done = false
i = 1
While Not done
test_date = DateSerial(Year(dte) + 5*i, Month(dte), Day(dte))
If test_date > Now() Then
done = True
End If
i = i + 1
find_next_gic_renewal = test_date
End Function
Function add_cap_header(db as Object, seq_number, eng, fax_page, send_to_name, send_to_fax, policies())
Dim table As Object
Dim num_policies As Integer, i As Integer
Dim fax_summary As String
num_policies = UBound(policies) - LBound(policies) + 1
Set table = db.OpenRecordset("cap_summary_header", dbOpenTable)
table("lang") = "en"
If Len(send_to_name) > 0 Or Len(send_to_fax) > 0 Then
table("seq_number") = seq_number
table("fax_print_page") = fax_page
table("fax_to_name") = send_to_name
table("fax_to_number") = send_to_fax
table("fax_pages") = ubound(policies) - lbound(policies) + 2
table("fax_from_name") = users_table("first_name") & " " & users_table("last_name")
table("fax_from_phone") = users_table("phone") & " x. " & users_table("ext")
table("fax_from_fax") = users_table("fax")
If num_policies = 1 Then
fax_summary = "Here is the requested summary for " & policies(0)
ElseIf num_policies = 2 Then
fax_summary = "Here are the requested summaries for " & policies(0) & " and " & policies(1)
fax_summary = "Here are the requested summaries for " & policies(0)
For i = 1 To UBound(policies)
If i = UBound(policies) Then
fax_summary = fax_summary & " and " & policies(i)
fax_summary = fax_summary & ", " & policies(i)
End If
End If
table("fax_remarks") = fax_summary & "."
End If
End Function
function add_cap_summaries(table as Object, seq_number, eng, policies())
Dim i, j, plan, agent, max, max2, row, num_pages, tmp, yrs_rem, regd, income_policy
For j = lbound(policies) To ubound(policies)
SendSafe policies(j)
SendSafe "<enter>"
SendSafe "/1"
SendSafe "<enter>"
If instr(get_field(21, 2), "O1005") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Policy number " & policies(j) & " is invalid, skipping to next."
'Exit Function
table("lang") = "en"
table("seq_number") = seq_number
table("REQ_DATE") = Now
table("POLICY") = policies(j)
table("ANNUITANT") = get_field(5, 10)
table("OWNER") = get_field(6, 10)
SendSafe "/3"
SendSafe "<enter>"
table("BRANCH") = get_field(3, 28)
table("STATUS") = format_status(get_field(6, 2))
plan = get_field(12, 2)
If instr("GIC", plan) > 0 Then
yrs_rem = get_field(18, 17)
End If
if instr("MGII", plan) > 0 then
table("GUAR_SUB") = "Months"
table("GUAR_SUB") = "Days"
end if
table("PLAN") = plan
table("POLICY_DATE") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(6, 8))
regd = get_field(9, 58)
table("REGISTERED") = regd
If InStr("LIF", regd) > 0 Or InStr("RRF", regd) > 0 Or InStr("RFQ", regd) > 0 Or InStr("LFQ", regd) > 0 Then
income_policy = true
ElseIf InStr("AGII", plan) > 0 Or InStr("MGII", plan) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Income policy!"
income_policy = true
income_policy = false
End If
table("ISSUE_AGE") = get_field(6, 31)
table("INTEREST_RATE") = get_field(18, 29)
SendSafe "/2"
SendSafe "<enter>"
If instr("RIB", plan) = 0 Then
tmp = get_field(9, 70)
If Len(tmp) > 0 Then
table("ORIG_AMT") = get_field(9, 70)
End If
End If
table("ACCUM_VAL") = get_field(17, 2)
agent = get_field(17, 49)
if instr("AGII", plan) > 0 then
table("GUAR_YEARS") = get_field(9, 31)
table("GUAR_DAYS_OR_MONTHS") = 0
elseif instr("DIA", plan) > 0 Or instr("RIB", plan) > 0 then
' DIAs don't have a renewal period
elseif instr("GIC", plan) > 0 then
table("GUAR_YEARS") = 5
table("GUAR_DAYS_OR_MONTHS") = 0
tmp = get_field(9, 55)
table("GUAR_YEARS") = get_field(9, 31)
table("GUAR_DAYS_OR_MONTHS") = get_field(9, 43)
end if
If len(agent) > 0 Then
table("AGENT") = agent
MsgBox "Unable to get agent code from page 2. This is an error and you should notify commissions."
SendSafe "/19"
SendSafe "<enter>"
table("AGENT") = get_field(7, 2)
End If
SendSafe "/2.4"
SendSafe "<enter>"
If instr("GIC", plan) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Value next anniversary: " & tmp
For i = 1 to yrs_rem - 1
tmp = tmp * (1 + table("INTEREST_RATE") / 100)
MsgBox "Renewal value: " & tmp
table("RENEWAL_VAL") = tmp
ElseIf instr("DIA", plan) = 0 And instr("RIB", plan) = 0 And instr(table("REGISTERED"), "RRF") = 0 Then
table("RENEWAL_VAL") = trim(right(get_field(7, 20), 10))
ElseIf instr("RIB", plan) > 0 then
SendSafe "/3.2"
SendSafe "<enter>"
table("PREMIUM") = get_field(6, 37)
table("PAYMENT_NEXT") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(6, 17))
table("PAYMENT_FREQ") = get_field(6, 12)
End If
If income_policy Then
SendSafe "/23<enter>"
table("PREMIUM") = get_field(10, 12)
table("PAYMENT_NEXT") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(10, 34))
table("PAYMENT_FREQ") = get_field(7, 20)
End If
SendSafe "/12"
SendSafe "<enter>"
If instr("GIC", plan) > 0 Then
SendSafe "/3.2<enter>"
table("ORIG_DEPOSIT_DATE") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(18, 2))
table("ORIG_DEPOSIT_DATE") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(15, 49))
End If
If instr("GIC", plan) > 0 Then
table("RENEWAL_DATE") = find_next_gic_renewal(table("ORIG_DEPOSIT_DATE"))
ElseIf instr("DIA", plan) = 0 And instr("RIB", plan) = 0 Then
table("RENEWAL_DATE") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(6, 15))
End If
SendSafe "/18"
SendSafe "<enter>"
table("ADDRESS1") = get_field(8, 8)
table("ADDRESS2") = get_field(9, 8)
table("ADDRESS3") = get_field(10, 8)
SendSafe "/2.5"
SendSafe "<enter>"
Pause 1
If InStr(get_field(22, 2), "Action Cancelled") = 0 Then
SendSafe "<pf10>"
SendSafe "vb"
SendSafe "<enter>"
max = get_field(5, 70)
if Strcomp(max, "ERROR!") <> 0 and len(max) <> 0 then
max = cint(max)
if max > 5 then
max = 5
end if
row = 0
for i = 1 to max
table("BEN_TYPE" & i) = get_field(7 + 2*row, 7)
table("BEN_NAME" & i) = get_field(7 + 2*row, 19)
table("BEN_REL" & i) = get_field(8 + 2*row, 27)
table("BEN_CL" & i) = get_field(8 + 2*row, 50)
table("BEN_POR" & i) = get_field(8 + 2*row, 63)
If row = 2 Then
SendSafe "<pf8>"
row = 0
End If
row = row + 1
max = 0
end if
if max < 5 then
SendMultiple "<down>", 8
max2 = get_field(13, 70)
if strcomp(max2, "ERROR!") <> 0 and len(max2) <> 0 then
max2 = cint(max2)
if max + max2 > 5 then
max2 = 5 - max
end if
row = 0
for i = 1 to max2
table("BEN_TYPE" & (max + i)) = get_field(15 + 2*row, 7)
table("BEN_NAME" & (max + i)) = get_field(15 + 2*row, 12) & _
fixup_bene(get_field(16 + 2*row, 12)) & _
fixup_bene(get_field(17 + 2*row, 12))
table("BEN_CL" & (max + i)) = get_field(15 + 2*row, 64)
If row = 2 Then
SendSafe "<pf8>"
row = 1
End If
row = row + 1
end if
end if
SendSafe "<pf3>"
MsgBox "Unable to retrieve beneficiary information."
End If
SendSafe "<pf3>"
SendSafe "x"
SendSafe "<enter>"
End If
end function
Function ask_for_policies (byref policies())
Dim policy, more, valid, num_policies
more = true
num_policies = 0
While more
valid = false
while not valid
policy = Trim(InputBox("Enter policy number to summarize (or nothing to build summaries):", "B Number"))
if policy = "" then
valid = true
more = false
elseif len(policy) = 7 then
valid = true
ReDim Preserve policies(num_policies)
policies(num_policies) = ucase(policy)
num_policies = num_policies + 1
MsgBox ucase(policy) & " is not a valid policy number, please re-enter."
end if
ask_for_policies = num_policies
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim done1, seq_num, num_policies, policies(), eng
Dim dbe As Object, db as Object, table as Object, WshShell as Object, WshEnv as Object
Dim fax_page As Integer, send_to_name As String, send_to_fax As String
'Global Definitions
vbYesNo = 4
vbYes = 6
vbNo = 7
dbOpenTable = 1
dbOpenSnapshot = 4
dbUseJet = 2
dbDenyWrite = 1
dbDenyRead = 2
wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0
in_opol = false
access_db = "D:\cap_summary\cap_summary.mdb"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
full_ident = WshEnv("USERNAME")
Set dbe = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36")
Set db = dbe.OpenDatabase(access_db)
seq_num = get_sequence_number(db)
set table = db.OpenRecordset("cap_summary_data", dbOpenTable)
set users_table = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = '" & full_ident & "'", dbOpenSnapshot, dbDenyWrite)
Connect "C:"
SendSafe "OPOL,B685476,isp60,1" ' This just uses a dummy policy to get us into OPOL successfully
SendSafe "<enter>"
done1 = false
If MsgBox("Print English summary? (Hit Enter for English, Escape for French)", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
eng = true
eng = false
End If
If MsgBox("Do you wish to print a fax cover page?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
fax_page = True
send_to_name = InputBox("Enter recipient's name:", "Send To")
send_to_fax = InputBox("Enter recipient's fax number:", "Send To")
fax_page = False
send_to_name = "No fax cover page"
send_to_fax = "No fax cover page"
End If
num_policies = ask_for_policies(policies)
If num_policies > 0 Then
add_cap_header db, seq_num, eng, fax_page, send_to_name, send_to_fax, policies
add_cap_summaries table, seq_num, eng, policies
End If
If MsgBox("Do you want to enter more policies?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
Exit Do
End If
loop while Not done1
SendMultiple "<clear>", 2
Set table = Nothing
Set users_table = Nothing
Set dbe = Nothing
End Sub
'$include "basics.ebh"
Global access_db, full_ident, in_opol, users_table as Object
Global dbDenyRead, dbDenyWrite, dbOpenTable, dbOpenSnapshot, dbUseJet, wdDoNotSaveChanges
Global vbYesNo, vbYes, vbNo
Function get_sequence_number(db as Object)
dim table as Object, seq_num
set table = db.OpenRecordset("cap_summary_seq", dbOpenTable, dbDenyRead Or dbDenyWrite)
seq_num = table("summary_seq_num")
table("summary_seq_num") = seq_num + 1
get_sequence_number = seq_num
End Function
Function fixup_bene(s)
If len(s) = 0 Then
fixup_bene = s
fixup_bene = Chr(10) & s
End If
End Function
function format_status(status)
if status = "I/F" then
format_status = "In Force"
elseif status = "SUR" then
format_status = "Surrendered"
format_status = status
end if
end function
Function find_next_gic_renewal(dte)
Dim done, i, test_date
done = false
i = 1
While Not done
test_date = DateSerial(Year(dte) + 5*i, Month(dte), Day(dte))
If test_date > Now() Then
done = True
End If
i = i + 1
find_next_gic_renewal = test_date
End Function
Function add_cap_header(db as Object, seq_number, eng, fax_page, send_to_name, send_to_fax, policies())
Dim table As Object
Dim num_policies As Integer, i As Integer
Dim fax_summary As String
num_policies = UBound(policies) - LBound(policies) + 1
Set table = db.OpenRecordset("cap_summary_header", dbOpenTable)
table("lang") = "en"
If Len(send_to_name) > 0 Or Len(send_to_fax) > 0 Then
table("seq_number") = seq_number
table("fax_print_page") = fax_page
table("fax_to_name") = send_to_name
table("fax_to_number") = send_to_fax
table("fax_pages") = ubound(policies) - lbound(policies) + 2
table("fax_from_name") = users_table("first_name") & " " & users_table("last_name")
table("fax_from_phone") = users_table("phone") & " x. " & users_table("ext")
table("fax_from_fax") = users_table("fax")
If num_policies = 1 Then
fax_summary = "Here is the requested summary for " & policies(0)
ElseIf num_policies = 2 Then
fax_summary = "Here are the requested summaries for " & policies(0) & " and " & policies(1)
fax_summary = "Here are the requested summaries for " & policies(0)
For i = 1 To UBound(policies)
If i = UBound(policies) Then
fax_summary = fax_summary & " and " & policies(i)
fax_summary = fax_summary & ", " & policies(i)
End If
End If
table("fax_remarks") = fax_summary & "."
End If
End Function
function add_cap_summaries(table as Object, seq_number, eng, policies())
Dim i, j, plan, agent, max, max2, row, num_pages, tmp, yrs_rem, regd, income_policy
For j = lbound(policies) To ubound(policies)
SendSafe policies(j)
SendSafe "<enter>"
SendSafe "/1"
SendSafe "<enter>"
If instr(get_field(21, 2), "O1005") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Policy number " & policies(j) & " is invalid, skipping to next."
'Exit Function
table("lang") = "en"
table("seq_number") = seq_number
table("REQ_DATE") = Now
table("POLICY") = policies(j)
table("ANNUITANT") = get_field(5, 10)
table("OWNER") = get_field(6, 10)
SendSafe "/3"
SendSafe "<enter>"
table("BRANCH") = get_field(3, 28)
table("STATUS") = format_status(get_field(6, 2))
plan = get_field(12, 2)
If instr("GIC", plan) > 0 Then
yrs_rem = get_field(18, 17)
End If
if instr("MGII", plan) > 0 then
table("GUAR_SUB") = "Months"
table("GUAR_SUB") = "Days"
end if
table("PLAN") = plan
table("POLICY_DATE") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(6, 8))
regd = get_field(9, 58)
table("REGISTERED") = regd
If InStr("LIF", regd) > 0 Or InStr("RRF", regd) > 0 Or InStr("RFQ", regd) > 0 Or InStr("LFQ", regd) > 0 Then
income_policy = true
ElseIf InStr("AGII", plan) > 0 Or InStr("MGII", plan) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Income policy!"
income_policy = true
income_policy = false
End If
table("ISSUE_AGE") = get_field(6, 31)
table("INTEREST_RATE") = get_field(18, 29)
SendSafe "/2"
SendSafe "<enter>"
If instr("RIB", plan) = 0 Then
tmp = get_field(9, 70)
If Len(tmp) > 0 Then
table("ORIG_AMT") = get_field(9, 70)
End If
End If
table("ACCUM_VAL") = get_field(17, 2)
agent = get_field(17, 49)
if instr("AGII", plan) > 0 then
table("GUAR_YEARS") = get_field(9, 31)
table("GUAR_DAYS_OR_MONTHS") = 0
elseif instr("DIA", plan) > 0 Or instr("RIB", plan) > 0 then
' DIAs don't have a renewal period
elseif instr("GIC", plan) > 0 then
table("GUAR_YEARS") = 5
table("GUAR_DAYS_OR_MONTHS") = 0
tmp = get_field(9, 55)
table("GUAR_YEARS") = get_field(9, 31)
table("GUAR_DAYS_OR_MONTHS") = get_field(9, 43)
end if
If len(agent) > 0 Then
table("AGENT") = agent
MsgBox "Unable to get agent code from page 2. This is an error and you should notify commissions."
SendSafe "/19"
SendSafe "<enter>"
table("AGENT") = get_field(7, 2)
End If
SendSafe "/2.4"
SendSafe "<enter>"
If instr("GIC", plan) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Value next anniversary: " & tmp
For i = 1 to yrs_rem - 1
tmp = tmp * (1 + table("INTEREST_RATE") / 100)
MsgBox "Renewal value: " & tmp
table("RENEWAL_VAL") = tmp
ElseIf instr("DIA", plan) = 0 And instr("RIB", plan) = 0 And instr(table("REGISTERED"), "RRF") = 0 Then
table("RENEWAL_VAL") = trim(right(get_field(7, 20), 10))
ElseIf instr("RIB", plan) > 0 then
SendSafe "/3.2"
SendSafe "<enter>"
table("PREMIUM") = get_field(6, 37)
table("PAYMENT_NEXT") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(6, 17))
table("PAYMENT_FREQ") = get_field(6, 12)
End If
If income_policy Then
SendSafe "/23<enter>"
table("PREMIUM") = get_field(10, 12)
table("PAYMENT_NEXT") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(10, 34))
table("PAYMENT_FREQ") = get_field(7, 20)
End If
SendSafe "/12"
SendSafe "<enter>"
If instr("GIC", plan) > 0 Then
SendSafe "/3.2<enter>"
table("ORIG_DEPOSIT_DATE") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(18, 2))
table("ORIG_DEPOSIT_DATE") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(15, 49))
End If
If instr("GIC", plan) > 0 Then
table("RENEWAL_DATE") = find_next_gic_renewal(table("ORIG_DEPOSIT_DATE"))
ElseIf instr("DIA", plan) = 0 And instr("RIB", plan) = 0 Then
table("RENEWAL_DATE") = pip_to_real_date(get_field(6, 15))
End If
SendSafe "/18"
SendSafe "<enter>"
table("ADDRESS1") = get_field(8, 8)
table("ADDRESS2") = get_field(9, 8)
table("ADDRESS3") = get_field(10, 8)
SendSafe "/2.5"
SendSafe "<enter>"
Pause 1
If InStr(get_field(22, 2), "Action Cancelled") = 0 Then
SendSafe "<pf10>"
SendSafe "vb"
SendSafe "<enter>"
max = get_field(5, 70)
if Strcomp(max, "ERROR!") <> 0 and len(max) <> 0 then
max = cint(max)
if max > 5 then
max = 5
end if
row = 0
for i = 1 to max
table("BEN_TYPE" & i) = get_field(7 + 2*row, 7)
table("BEN_NAME" & i) = get_field(7 + 2*row, 19)
table("BEN_REL" & i) = get_field(8 + 2*row, 27)
table("BEN_CL" & i) = get_field(8 + 2*row, 50)
table("BEN_POR" & i) = get_field(8 + 2*row, 63)
If row = 2 Then
SendSafe "<pf8>"
row = 0
End If
row = row + 1
max = 0
end if
if max < 5 then
SendMultiple "<down>", 8
max2 = get_field(13, 70)
if strcomp(max2, "ERROR!") <> 0 and len(max2) <> 0 then
max2 = cint(max2)
if max + max2 > 5 then
max2 = 5 - max
end if
row = 0
for i = 1 to max2
table("BEN_TYPE" & (max + i)) = get_field(15 + 2*row, 7)
table("BEN_NAME" & (max + i)) = get_field(15 + 2*row, 12) & _
fixup_bene(get_field(16 + 2*row, 12)) & _
fixup_bene(get_field(17 + 2*row, 12))
table("BEN_CL" & (max + i)) = get_field(15 + 2*row, 64)
If row = 2 Then
SendSafe "<pf8>"
row = 1
End If
row = row + 1
end if
end if
SendSafe "<pf3>"
MsgBox "Unable to retrieve beneficiary information."
End If
SendSafe "<pf3>"
SendSafe "x"
SendSafe "<enter>"
End If
end function
Function ask_for_policies (byref policies())
Dim policy, more, valid, num_policies
more = true
num_policies = 0
While more
valid = false
while not valid
policy = Trim(InputBox("Enter policy number to summarize (or nothing to build summaries):", "B Number"))
if policy = "" then
valid = true
more = false
elseif len(policy) = 7 then
valid = true
ReDim Preserve policies(num_policies)
policies(num_policies) = ucase(policy)
num_policies = num_policies + 1
MsgBox ucase(policy) & " is not a valid policy number, please re-enter."
end if
ask_for_policies = num_policies
End Function
Sub Main()
Dim done1, seq_num, num_policies, policies(), eng
Dim dbe As Object, db as Object, table as Object, WshShell as Object, WshEnv as Object
Dim fax_page As Integer, send_to_name As String, send_to_fax As String
'Global Definitions
vbYesNo = 4
vbYes = 6
vbNo = 7
dbOpenTable = 1
dbOpenSnapshot = 4
dbUseJet = 2
dbDenyWrite = 1
dbDenyRead = 2
wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0
in_opol = false
access_db = "D:\cap_summary\cap_summary.mdb"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set WshEnv = WshShell.Environment("PROCESS")
full_ident = WshEnv("USERNAME")
Set dbe = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36")
Set db = dbe.OpenDatabase(access_db)
seq_num = get_sequence_number(db)
set table = db.OpenRecordset("cap_summary_data", dbOpenTable)
set users_table = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = '" & full_ident & "'", dbOpenSnapshot, dbDenyWrite)
Connect "C:"
SendSafe "OPOL,B685476,isp60,1" ' This just uses a dummy policy to get us into OPOL successfully
SendSafe "<enter>"
done1 = false
If MsgBox("Print English summary? (Hit Enter for English, Escape for French)", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
eng = true
eng = false
End If
If MsgBox("Do you wish to print a fax cover page?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
fax_page = True
send_to_name = InputBox("Enter recipient's name:", "Send To")
send_to_fax = InputBox("Enter recipient's fax number:", "Send To")
fax_page = False
send_to_name = "No fax cover page"
send_to_fax = "No fax cover page"
End If
num_policies = ask_for_policies(policies)
If num_policies > 0 Then
add_cap_header db, seq_num, eng, fax_page, send_to_name, send_to_fax, policies
add_cap_summaries table, seq_num, eng, policies
End If
If MsgBox("Do you want to enter more policies?", vbYesNo) = vbNo Then
Exit Do
End If
loop while Not done1
SendMultiple "<clear>", 2
Set table = Nothing
Set users_table = Nothing
Set dbe = Nothing
End Sub
If someone could help me that would be awsome.