Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Postby Papya013 » Thu Feb 15, 2018 8:35 am

Hi Team,

I am populating one field in the .csv file that is being sent to business through SMTP.

The field is of 14 bytes 10000000008250 value. When the .csv file is generated as an attachment in the email, the value looks like 1E+3.

We can achieve this by manually converting the value in .csv file into numeric with 0 decimal positions. But unfortunately client does not want to do that manual work.

We suggested to add S as prefix so that it populates as S10000000008250 but this is not expected solution.

Could you please help me with this issue ?

Balesh GG
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Re: Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Postby NicC » Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:09 pm

As we have no idea of how you are creating this data set how do you expect us to help. COBOL? PL/1? Rexx? Something else?
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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Re: Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Postby Papya013 » Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:20 pm


I have the file created from a COBOL program and sending the file as .csv using IEBGENER.

Kindly let us know if any further information required.

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Re: Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:25 pm

it would have been nice if You had posted at least ONE record ( as created by the COBOL program )
and at least one record as it looks on the PC

IMO the problem is a poor understanding of how excel works
IIRC if a numeric value is outside the numeric bounds excel will show it in exponential form
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Re: Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Postby Papya013 » Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:32 pm


Please find below mentioned line. This is how it looks at file level.

Ordered_Date; Order_No    ; Order_Line_No; ID_Number    
  2018-02-09;  20914470002;             2; 10000000008250

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Re: Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Postby prino » Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:24 pm

In other words, you're dealing with a bunch of business twits who don't know how to format numbers in Excel.
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Re: Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Postby Papya013 » Thu Feb 15, 2018 5:47 pm


As I mentioned earlier, the issue is with only ID_number field which is defined as numeric in COBOL program.

Please let me know if I can get some help to proceed.

Balesh GG
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Re: Issue with populating 14 digit numric value in .csv file

Postby Robert Sample » Thu Feb 15, 2018 6:00 pm

Please let me know if I can get some help to proceed.
This is not an issue we can help you with. The mainframe is processing the data correctly; the file transfer is processing the data correctly; the issue is that Excel has to be told to display all the digits instead of using exponential notation; this is not an issue we can help you with -- it is user education mostly. Topic locked to prevent further waste of time.
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