I was trying to research on finding a TN3270's simulator for Windows Servers. Any help would be great. Below is a brief description of my requirement.
I need to open PCOMM in my local machine and connect to a Windows server inside Mainframe datacentre region and get a banner message back (something like "Hurray you are logged on...") on the PCOMM screen of my local machine.
Local machine (through Pcomm) ----Request through a specific port -------> Windows Server
Windows server --------- Response -- Banner message :: "Hurray You are Logged on " -------> local machine (PCOMM window)
Basically, I am trying to simulate a Mainframe environment using a Windows Server. is this possible ?
I tried looking at HACL option for PCOMM - but looks like HACL is used to connect to PCOMM which inturn can connect to a Mainframe Host.
Any help on finding a way to return a simple response from the WINDOWS SERVER back to the PCOMM installed in my local machine ?
Thanks in Advance,