TWS job scheduling

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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby ramu65 » Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:40 pm

Actually I wrote a job to copy the contents of spool to a dataset....but I want only the error code and the step name where the error occured to be in the dataset,, it need not necessarily be from spool..I couldnt find any facillity to generate particular error Info in the time of success I want just a succeaaful completion the time of error we can do this using automatic recovery statements but dunno how to do this when program is successful???? :?
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby ramu65 » Tue Mar 11, 2014 10:45 am

Hi BlackHorn

1.When an error occurs in a job scheduled using OPC,I want only the error code in a dataset . It need not necessarily be from spool.I tried the SDSF batch utility but the entire contents of spool is copied to dataset. How can we copy only the error code information in dataset??

2.Regarding the problem I was facing with "EVERY" command in runcycle---Actually I created the application with run-cycles,added an occurrence of the application to the current plan...But because of a post installation process,the job is ending with JCLI error even though it is successfully executed.I scheduled the application to run at every 5 minutes.The first occurrence ran at the scheduled time but it is giving JCLI error.The subsequent occurrences are not started at all.Is it because the first occurrence ended in error??...Is the occurrence dependent on previous occurrence????/
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby NicC » Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:14 pm

1 - I suggest you read about the SDSF-Rexx interface so that you, or someone else, can write a program to select the required data from the dataset.
2 - Do you actually refer to the user manual or do you just say to yourself "i jave an error - I'll post it on the forum"? Note that the forum should be the place of last resort and that you should have tried evrything else beforehand - co-workers, manuals, support group, inter-web. I would suspect that either you have the setup wrong or you have made each occurrence dependent on the previous. Is each occurrence a separtely scheduled AD or hhave you put a load of the same occurrences into one AD?
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby Blackthorn » Tue Mar 11, 2014 2:15 pm

1) I did ask earlier why you wanted this as there may be a better option, but you have not replied to this. There are several ways to get this. Do you want it historically or instantly? You could read the job output on the spool and then extract the data you want. You could read the syslog and do likewise. Or you could use the TWS program interface to enquire on the job. This is probably the option that I would use, but any method is going to requires some post processing to get the data in to the format that you want. Running the PIF with the following command will extract details for all operations in error and this includes the error code. You can also pass it the JOBNAME parameter to limit it to the one job you are interested in.


2) One occurence will be dependent on the previous occurence if you have defined it in that way. Have you? I do not know. I don't know what you mean by a post installation process causing the JCLI error either, hopefully you are clear on this.
When you say "added an occurence of the application to the current plan" do you mean that you added one in manually using option 5.1? If so, there's your answer, you added in one occurence with a particular, specified IA time. Why do you think that there would then be any others? The run cycles of the application, whether using the EVERY option or not, are used by the daily planning process.
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby ramu65 » Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:55 pm

Hi blackhorn

You are right.I created the application with run cycle(EVERY command defined) and then added an occurrence of the application to the current plan once.But how will the occurrences of application be automatically added to current plan?...
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby Blackthorn » Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:05 pm

The same way that all your applications are added to the current plan. By the daily planning batch jobs.
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby ramu65 » Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:11 pm

But it is not getting added.My current plan end date is tomorrow evening.I created the application to run only on second Tuesday of the month and that too every 5 minutes until a specific time.Using GENDAYS command,I found that there are 5 occurrences for this application until the specified time.Will all these occurrences be added automatically to current plan???
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby Blackthorn » Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:27 pm

No, not if you're current plan has already been built for today. Speak to the scheduling guys at your site to get an explanation of the daily planning process.

GENDAYS shows the dates that the application will run on (not the times) and is based purely on the In Effect and Out of Effect dates in your run cycle. It does not take account of the current planning period.
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby ramu65 » Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:26 pm

Hi BlackHorn

I asked the people in support group about the daily planning process and the EVERY command.They told me to create application with run-cycle and then extend the current plan so that the application is automatically included in the current plan.But they weren't very sure about the procedure and working.When I tried the same,I couldnt see the application in 6.1 or 5.2 Option and neither did any of the occurrence take place??...I am confused regarding how to add the occurrences automatically to the current plan????/
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Re: TWS job scheduling

Postby Blackthorn » Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:37 pm

Your scheduling guys weren't very sure about the procedure? This should be bread and butter stuff to them ???

This is a help forum, not a how to use forum. It seems that you are lacking a basic understanding about the principles of how TWS works.

I suggest you get yourself on a training course if there is nobody in your organisation who can help, although how your company can possibly be using TWS without this basic knowledge, I'm not quite sure.

You're not entirely clear in your post on a lot of things, but lets assume that your existing current plan ends at 08:00 tomorrow morning. When you extend it, only those applications with an input arrival time later than 08:00 tomorrow will be added. If your applications is only due to run today, then it is to late, it will not be added.

The TWS Getting Started guide (SC32-1262-05) gives a brief overview of the daily planning process whilst Managing the Workload (SC32-1263-07) covers it in much more detail.
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