i have two PO dataset :
1) wsal.efr.jcl
2) dsal.dfr.jcl
and there is the same member name in each datatset :
But the content of each member is different.
I would like to choose the PDS wiche TWS wille load thirst. I explain :
I have two applications :
WSAL with de jcl : member01 (jcl of wsal.efr.jcl(member01))
and i have an other application :
DSAL wich contain the jcl member01 (jcl of dsal.dfr.jcl(member01)
(I can't change the member name)
How can i do to tell TWS to load the jcl wsal.efr.jcl(member01) for the application : WSAL
and load the jcl dsal.dfr.jcl(member01) for the application : DSAL
Sorry for ma bad english, i think you guessed is not my thisrt language...
Thank's for your help.