IBM COBOL Report Writer

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IBM COBOL Report Writer

Postby Colmn » Thu Jan 14, 2010 5:30 pm

I am trying to compile a COBOL z/OS program which includes REPORT WRITER and continue to get a S0C4 (the code is in production and has not been edited by me, so it isnt due to my... ahem... "cobol skills!". Is there anything that jumps out to why this may be happening... or what I should look for. Could it be to do with the PARMS?

// 'EX(INX(''LGSEQ'',RW),PRTX(RW))')

Any help is appreciate,
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Re: IBM COBOL Report Writer

Postby Robert Sample » Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:15 pm

COBOL z/OS program
No such thing exists. There is OS/VS COBOL, VS COBOL II, COBOL for MVS & VM, and Enterprise COBOL for z/OS. There is no COBOL z/OS.

Your post is not clear -- are you getting the S0C4 abend during the compile step or executing the program? If it is during the compile, you need to contact IBM about the abend. If it is during the execution of the program, you need to use standard debugging methods (whatever they are at your shop) to find and fix the address issue.
Robert Sample
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