I need to automatically set to "ASSE" the EerrorCode of each job in an added application (TWS)
More verbosely:
Launch a job who
1) extracts all jobs in all applications ended in error.
2) change the error code of each job ( inside TWS ) setting it to a data string "ASSE" .
3) Send a mail to the relative office, depending on the Application name.
I need help only for the point 2)
Thank you very much!
Cmd Ended time Jobname Errc SU£ Oi ws no. Application Job id
''' 09/10/07 21.22 QZ0ODZ ASSE 2 N SCCF 5 QZ0A002GHF02 J0004216
''' 09/10/08 10.21 SZ340B JCL 0 N SCCD 10 SZ3JOLLYHD J0036642
''' 09/10/07 15.06 SZ340B JCL 0 N SCCD 10 SZ3JOLLYHD J0119740
''' 09/10/06 10.20 SZEL02 JCL 0 N SCCD 10 SZ3JOLLYHD J0004033
''' 09/10/05 20.31 XZEG01 JCL 1 N XCCD 3 XZEXD0AUHDIT J0122785
''' 09/10/02 18.06 IZT22S JCL 1 N TCID 10 IZTT220UHDIX J0143795