What do you guys usually send for such a request. The topic's title is their exact requirement. Please let me know if you need any other information in this regard. Thank you very much for your help.
Your question is just murky and the auditor request badly formulated
unless they are completely morons the AUDITORS should know how to ask better
I would just give them the output of a
//SMPCSI DD DISP=SHR,DSN=<target zone dataset>
SET BOUNDARY (<target zone name>)
repeated for each target zone of Your installation
and let them deal with the about 80000 lines of output ( that' s for the zOS target zone only )
after a while they will learn how to ask
the usual request is to look for USER modifications and settings
( for example the names and content of authorized libraries )
so ... You will have to provide a list of the MODIFICATIONS/CUSTOMIZATIONS made by Your support/installation team
and usually the APARS and PTFS provided by software support are not object of auditing
unless BTSTGTTS once upon a time a stupid auditor resented HASJES20 PPT properties pretending them to be taken away ...
and we were pretty glad to oblige ( in the MVS sandbox naturally )
asking such questios on a forum will not provide usually any reasonable reply,
each responder might have had different experiences
wiser to clarify the whole thing with the people who made the request