Display command is unresponsive

IBM OS/370, MVS, OS/390, Linux, TPF, VM/CMS, VM/ESA, VSE/ESA, z/VM, z/VSE, z/OS, z/OS.e etc...

Display command is unresponsive

Postby Murali_721 » Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:13 am

One of the new user who recently got his TSO/RACF ID is not able to run any MVS commands. For example: D T - He gets no response for this command. I'm suspecting this could be RACF Resource access issue. Need some comments on this.
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Re: Display command is unresponsive

Postby willy jensen » Thu Nov 19, 2020 2:42 pm

How does he issue the command - TSO CONSOLE, SDSF or what?
willy jensen
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Re: Display command is unresponsive

Postby Murali_721 » Thu Nov 19, 2020 4:24 pm

He is trying to issue it in Console of AFOPER Product. He is able to invoke the product and get into the console. But when he issue any MVS command, he gets no response. Infact, command is not being issued as I checked in the syslog. I can only see he is invoking the AFOPER and an Autoperator getting assigned to him.
Also, we generally use IOF for executing MVS commands. Strangely, his IOF do not show him the Console option inside IOF.
He is using same logon proc as ours.
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