My apologies for this redundant question, I am a little unclear- as this is outside my area of expertise and I happen to be in murky waters; any help-guidance-pointers are really appreciated. Thank you in advance!
We are currently on z/OS 1.12 and will very soon be moving to 1.13, the local system support team will be handling the upgrade, we being the application/developement/prod supp teams, have been asked to perform PIV on the upgraded OS. To be honest, the sys.supp aren't very inclined in guiding us.
I did look at the Share sessions for Migrating to 1.13; but, as I said there are certain grey areas which I am not very comfortable at.
From the perspective of the application we develop, we are aware of the checkpoints; the problem is arising in case of interfaces that we support.
We currently have MQ: V7.0.1; I am really not sure of the impact the upgrade might have here; aside this below is the current high-level checklist that I am looking at as an application owner:
1. Cobol, CICS, MQ commands should work just the way they were on the old z/OS version.
2. Compilations shouldn’t start failing for certain compilation options (we use a homegrown compilation tool; so it should not fail compatibility test to version 1.13)
3. The translated version of CICS commands should not start acting up.
4. We have an application subsystem, which currently uses Assembler in its core area; what might be the possible impact here?
5. On SIZE error, division by zero which currently may not be abending in PROD, shouldn’t start abending.
What else can I add here as sanity check; the more the better.
Once again, my apologies and sincere thanks for the pointers.