Pls help me solve my assignment

Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby breentha_d » Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:01 am



i have corrected the syntax errors but now i keep the message invalid parameter card i cannot detect the error can pls help me detect the error based on the program i sent you earlier.

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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby breentha_d » Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:01 am


i have an abend , the message is like system detected a data exception /system completion code oc7.
offset is +00001058. the paremeter card validation is giving some problem, can u pls help me.

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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby breentha_d » Tue Feb 12, 2008 8:39 pm



i have updated my program, however i still have an abend occuring..offset number +00001028, therefore it might be in line 480 onwards in the perform loop...could pls help me correct the error and pls help to lookout for more abends that might occurs after this. pls tell me how to correct those errors.
i already had several abends before reaching line no 480.

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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby dick scherrer » Tue Feb 12, 2008 11:18 pm


When you have an abend, anyone trying to determine the cause will need to see the abend info. You will probably not be able to post sufficent abend info via the forum due to time and space considerations.

I'd suggest you spend time at the testing facility and see if there are people there who work with students to resolve abends.

One thing from the code:
these should probably be OR rather than AND.

I believe there will be problems with the sort.
specifies s-npay as an amount (numeric), but when sort-records are released they are released from new-rec which does not have an amount as the first part of the record?
Hope this helps,
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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby dick scherrer » Fri Feb 15, 2008 3:40 am


Is work started on the new assignment?

I haven't seen anythng new for a few days and thought i'd ask.
Hope this helps,
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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby breentha_d » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:18 am



i couldnt work on my assignment, it abend and looks like i have to redo it again and just dont have the time, i m so helpless now. tere are lots of errors everywhere and i just cannot recover from the abend. especially in the computation. just dont know what to do adn where to start. is there anything u can do. hopefully u can hgelp me. based on the attachment i send earlier. is there anyway u can actually give me the complete coding because the next assignment will be based again on this and also the mext assignment after this.

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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby breentha_d » Fri Feb 15, 2008 7:21 am


i am just too desperade now.
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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby dick scherrer » Fri Feb 15, 2008 11:51 pm


If the "next" assignments require working code for the first one, the instructor might(should?) be able to provide a working model for use with the new requirements.

It is usually a very bad idea to require brand new students to build on their incomplete assignments to create their next assignment. In every class i've every worked with, there will be some people who do not complete the first assignments, but they still need to continue with the subsequent assignments.

As i've mentioned before, there should be someone available to talk with at the computer lab (the instructor would usually have hours, tutors/mentors, or other students working on the same/similar assignments).

When you start some new code or add new features to your existing code, i will try to review any errors or questions that you post. I am not able to re-work the first assignment.
Hope this helps,
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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby breentha_d » Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:53 pm


I am about complete my course on cobol. currently i have an overview about cobol but very soon i will be starting work in cobol. Can you pls provide some guidelines on how to improve my programming skills in COBOL? What will be the best way to learn COBOL?


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Re: Pls help me solve my assignment

Postby dick scherrer » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:23 am

Hi Breentha,

I am about complete my course on cobol.
I'll bet that is a relief :)

What will be the best way to learn COBOL?
Attending training (like you have done) is one of the best ways.

very soon i will be starting work in cobol. Can you pls provide some guidelines on how to improve my programming skills in COBOL?
How well do you know your new project leader? Does your new group have some kind of internal training for new people? The best way i know to improve skills is repetition.

Good luck with your new work - If there are questions, someone should be here :)

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