Repeat and For loop Usage

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Repeat and For loop Usage

Postby diptisaini » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:56 am


I just need to know on what cases Repeat and For loop is used. Can you please explain me with some examples?

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Re: Repeat and For loop Usage

Postby RGZbrog » Mon Nov 22, 2010 11:57 pm

FOR is used typically to process an array. The syntax allows a starting value, ending value, and increment of an index variable.

REPEAT can be used to execute a block of code UNTIL or WHILE a condition exists, but more often it is used as an infinite loop in which the on-line user determines when to exit by pressing a specific PF key.
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Re: Repeat and For loop Usage

Postby fidelis » Fri Dec 17, 2010 6:51 pm

The FOR statement is just used to initiate a processing loop and to control the number of times the loop is processed. The REPEAT statement is used to initiate a processing loop uncontrolled to number of times the loop is processed, but you can use UNTIL that will process loop until the logical condition becomes true, or can use WHILE that will process loop continued as long as the logical condition is true.
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