Hi diptisaini,
MADIO is Natural profile parameter and cannot not be set using some command like MADIO=0. However, I can suggest couple of ways to do it:
1. SYSPARM is used to set profile parameters but I know the access to SYSPARM is usually limited. Check if you can invoke SYSPARM utility (either online or batch).
2. API USR1068N will do it for you. Make sure that you can access SYSEXT library (another usually limited thing
) to run USR1068P and edit the MADIO value.
If none of the options above work, consult your Natural admin. Well, I am interested to know the reason behind setting it to no limit (assuming that you want to do it in your test environment
) as it may be highly expensive (I/Os) if inefficient database access method is used in any program. Natural admins have various considerable purposes to set a limit.