by RGZbrog » Mon Sep 20, 2010 12:51 pm
For Natural, it doesn't matter what the default value is, because a Natural step will (almost) never terminate abnormally.
When one of your Natural application modules ABENDs, it's Natural that generates the error message, not the operating system. That means that Natural's run-time is still active after the error occurs, and he terminates the job step cleanly. So, the operating system sees a normal termination. There's no point coding DISP=(NEW,CATLG, DELETE), because the DELETE is never invoked by the operating system.
That said, it is possible to tell Natural to actually ABEND a step when an application error occurs, but this requires effort on the part of the Natural Administrator and application developers. It really helps to simplify your JCL, but I've seen this set-up in only one shop, and that was many years ago.