Just looked back at Robert's example
It is possible to produce a hex dump with the character representation as well, which would help you out a lot. For character fields, you'd get the correct ASCII values without having to get fancy. For non-character fields, you'd have the EBCDIC representation in hexadecimal pairs for each byte, which you could interpret correctly and produce the output from your program in ASCII, ie the date field (unsigned packed-decimal) and the time field (eight-bit unsigned binary representation of hundredths of second since midnight). You will also have binary fields telling you how many sections of repeating data particular records have, bit-mask values etc. You won't need to interpret everything I assume.
The 102 might be more of a nightmare, but there you go.
I now see another response "crossing in the post", so:
They should be able to "dump" any types of SMF records from the huge SMF dataset as far as I'm aware.
Having got the selected data out, there would be a number of ways to produce a "hex dump" of a particular dataset, including such character-representations that match the byte values (like the MVS1 in your example). You'd also get characters, by chance, in non-display fields, just because they happen to match a character value, so don't get confused by that.
If reports already exist, that would be a better way to go. If they don't exist but can be written, that would be a better way to go. If "none of the above" you could still work from a "print" of the dataset showing character and hex values. The disadvantage would be extra work for you, accurately, interpreting the data which is in mainframe formats. The advantage would be if there is no other way to get all the pre-formatted data for your task.
I think you (via your boss) need to bounce it to someone on the mainframe to establish if reports are available, with everything you need, and if not whether they can be produced. You have a fallback position. The bosses have to decide about the various efforts involved in doing this.