Sorry if this is a silly question - my company is in the midst of an ACF2 to RACF conversion, and so we're learning RACF on the fly, with the assistance of a consultant and some other training, etc.
We're looking ahead to post-production cutover, and how we will be setting up new users. Our management has thus far denied us the ability to purchase any sort of user admin/audit application like zSecure Admin, etc., so we're more or less on our own for the forseeable fututre.
We'd like to develop templates to use, as we have to process new employees/transfers, so what we'd like initially is some kind of report that would show us all of the groups within our RACF environment, and the resources they are connect to, and at what level (ALTER, READ, etc.). Once we have that, we could then start developing the templates.
Does this sound like something people do, or are we going about htis completely wrong? If it's the right direction, does this reporting exist in native RACF, of do we have a lot of busy work ahead of us?
Any help or advice is greatly appreciated!