Concatenating multiple afp files into one afp files.

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Concatenating multiple afp files into one afp files.

Postby Blesson294 » Tue Mar 04, 2014 12:43 pm


Am facing a problem in concatenating multiple afp files to one single file using the jcl prgram AOPBATCH. Below is the code which I have tried out but it creating a blank output file

//AFPCNCAT PROC AFPFILE=                                       
//TRANSFRM EXEC PGM=AOPBATCH,                                 
// PARM='/afp2afp -j "form-definition=XPRESS"                 
//                -o //DD:AFPOUT //DD:INPUT'                   
//INPUT    DD   DISP=SHR,DSN=&AFPFILE                         
//AFPOUT   DD DISP=MOD,                                       
//            DSN=#125567.MERGE.SAMPLE.PDF                     
//STDOUT   DD   SYSOUT=*     
//STDERR   DD   SYSOUT=*                                       
//   PEND                                                     
//ALLOC    EXEC PGM=IEFBR14                                   
//AFPOUT   DD   DSN=#125567.MERGE.SAMPLE.PDF,                 
//      DCB=(RECFM=VBM,LRECL=32756,BLKSIZE=32760),   
//      SPACE=(CYL,(30,5)),DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE)     

Help me in resolving the issue
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Re: Concatenating multiple afp files into one afp files.

Postby NicC » Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:41 pm

Where is your concatenation? You appear to be copying - if that is what AOPBATCH does - one file into another file. I know you are MODding but you are MODding to an empty file so your MERGE.SAMPLE.PDF consists only of the one file. what does your documentation for AOPBATCH say?

BTW - AOPBATCH is not a 'jcl program' it is simply a program (which you happen to be running in batch).
The problem I have is that people can explain things quickly but I can only comprehend slowly.
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