Hello Everybody,
I'm just begining JCL & Cobol. I need a help! I have a list of jobs in a dataset, everytime according to some criteria I need to submit only a few jobs (Say the dataset contains around a 100 jobs and I need to submit around 50/60 odd jobs frequently). I need to make some changes and then submit those jobs one by one(The jobs are different everytime). This would take a lot of time and I was thinking of a better way.
-- Now, is it possible if I create a job which takes an input file(which has all the jobs I need to run), copy them to a temp dataset, and run all of them at a time. I mean if I run the job which I created it should be able to trigger all the jobs specified in the input file.
This is the first basic step which I thought off, and if this hits off, i could maybe see how I can make the changes into those jobs and then trigger them.
Will this work?