We have a proclib IRCMNXX.BACT.PROCLIB which used to its 129 cylinders and 5 extends.
JOB A,B,C,D,E,F and G are using the proclib in share mode to call the members. These JOBs are running parrallely without any dependency on each other but the JOBs call different members from the IRCMNXX.BACT.PROCLIB.
The JOB A,B,C,D,E,F and G are initially waiting for the PROCLIB DATASET and ABEND with MODULE NOT FOUND unfortunately the members are exist in the PROCLIB.
I doubt on the IRCMNXX.BACT.PROCLIB as the proclib have used its allocation completely because the JOBs using the PROCLIB in share mode.
Please assist to fix this issue permanently.
My Plan :
1. I am planning to create the new proclib with more number of primary and secondery cylinders than the current proclib.
2. Define the new proclib and use the organization mode as LIBRARY instead of PO.