I think people who has more knowledge should help others.
WHY... this is not a charity,
but still we reply on our own time, our own equipment, free of charge, and most of the times we test the snippets we post ( at least I do )
and all that is more than what can be reasonably expected,
so You have no frigging reason to tell us what we should/should not do, and how,
for what reason for example should we waste/spend time rewriting what has already been written
And also send them links of documentation.
go see an ophthalmologist
if instead of posting such stupid remark You had clicked on the first link posted ( the simo stuff )
You would have noticed that it is almost a full training course on jcl basics ( and more )
but naturally You were too busy criticizing to notice
In my humble opinion If reading manuals is only a solution than we do not need forum.
Your opinion is not humble, just plain inconsiderate
in my experience after <Anybody> gets a complete answer He/She will never look at the manual
and will keep asking lazily for help expecting Us to do the joib for which He/She is being paid for
this is a help forum, not a training one, or a do my work because I am too lazy to do itthe TS did not ask for help... he asked for training
better read and understand before criticizing