create a job card

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create a job card

Postby jvinoth » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:28 pm

hi ,
I am new to mainframe. And i am using extra personal client terminal for connecting the mainframe. here i am using JC command to insert the job card in JCL.How it is possible to create please tel me how to do and the procedure it macro or something else send the code too.
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Re: create a job card

Postby Robert Sample » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:32 pm

This is something specific to your site. Only someone working AT YOUR SITE can provide you with the information you requested.
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Re: create a job card

Postby jvinoth » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:44 pm

k k but its not macro creation ?
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Re: create a job card

Postby Akatsukami » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:51 pm

jvinoth wrote:k k but its not macro creation ?

jvinoth, are you actually being taught the basics of JCL, and the use of ISPF,or are you merely told how to use tools that may not be available at any given site to perform tasks that you are not taught to understand? From your question, the latter seems much more likely than the former.

Have you reviewed the JCL Reference and JCL User's Guide? Can you edit a data set or a member of a PDS in ISPF?
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Re: create a job card

Postby enrico-sorichetti » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:44 pm

k k but its not macro creation ?

please... please... learn to post questions in a better way
what You ask might be very clear to You, unfortunately it makes little sense for us.

just a wild guess... NO it is not an extra attachmate macro
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Re: create a job card

Postby Ed Goodman » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:54 pm

Since you enter "JC", I'm guessing that whatever editor you are using is responding to that as a command to add the job card.

Can we assume you are using ISPF? If so, then there is probably an "edit macro" written in CLIST and/or REXX that does the work.

The process would be something like:
-Create a macro that adds the lines using the ISPF functions and commands. This is done in a text/code editor like ISPF.
-Place the macro text in a library that gets allocated by the target user when they log in

If you're from the Windows world, it's like writing a batch command file, then putting it in a directory that is part of the user's path.
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Re: create a job card

Postby dick scherrer » Sat Nov 19, 2011 11:23 am


here i am using JC command to insert the job card in JCL.
Suggest you copy/paste the mainframe screen where you enter the "JC" and paste it into a reply. Then highlight the "screen" and click the "Code" tag. When building your reply, do NOT repopsition anything. The Code tag will preserve alignment and improve readability. There is also a Preview function so you can see your post as it will appear to the forum. When you post appears as wyou wish, Submit.

The places i've supported that have a JOB statement built on the fly do this on the mainframe. We'll know more when you've posted what you are working with.
Hope this helps,
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Re: create a job card

Postby Anuj Dhawan » Tue Nov 22, 2011 5:41 pm

I happened to be at a shop where JC was used to generate a "Job Card" - it was an ISREDIT Macro. Having said that, try to locate it under the TSO user's address space - issue TSO ISRDDN or ISRDDN at command line -- MEM "JC", if it's an edit macro and you are lucky you might see the source code for it.
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