exeeds the limit of gdg

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exeeds the limit of gdg

Postby kiran.r » Fri May 30, 2008 3:56 pm

if we exeeds the limit of gdgs what will happen?
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Re: exeeds the limit of gdg

Postby MrSpock » Fri May 30, 2008 4:31 pm

If you specified the EMPTY option when creating the base entry, then the system will remove all GDS entries from GDG base when a new GDS is created that causes the GDG LIMIT to be exceeded.

If you specified the NOEMPTY option when creating the base entry, then the system will remove only the oldest GDS entry when a new GDS is created that causes GDG LIMIT to be exceeded.

If you specified the SCRATCH option when creating the base entry, then the GDS is deleted from all disks it occupies when uncatalogued from the GDG base.

If you specified the NOSCRATCH option when creating the base entry, the the GDS is recataloged as a non-VSAM data set in
rolled-off status, and is no longer associated with the GDG base.
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