JCL Repro

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JCL Repro

Postby curios13579 » Mon May 05, 2008 5:14 pm

Hello everyone! I'm new in mainframe! Can anyone explain me ("for a begginer") if the REPRO does anything else besides -- copying sequential datasets. More or less same as the IEBGENER.
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Re: JCL Repro

Postby jayind » Mon May 05, 2008 5:29 pm


Since you said you are a beginner, I am suggesting this..

There is a lot that REPRO does which IEBGENER cant do...

REPRO used with IDCAMS and used for VSAM datasets and PDS where as IEBGENER used for PS files..

You can go through JCL books, looking for utilities IDCAMS and IEBGENER and you can find the differences on your own....

Hope this would help....
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