My requirement was to invoke a java class using a JCL. The java class is fed data from a table. I used BPXBATCH utility to invoke the unix script which then calls the java class.
Now here is my question. I created 4 JCLs and 4 corresponding unix scripts. Each unix script inputs 1/4 of the entire data into the class. the 4 JCLs run in parallel. The purpose of doing this was to share the load among the 4 JCLs. However, when I see the results of the performance tests, it shows that out of all 4 only one has almost 99% of the CPU usage. Rest 3 have minimal to no CPU usage. I am not sure how and why this is happening. The 4 JCLs are executed independently, but simultaneously (or sometimes with a gap of 1/2 to 1 minute.) Each JCL feeds 1/4 of the entire data to the unix script which then goes to the java class. Each JCL however, calls the same class.