But I need to know the exact use of each SYSUT statements Individually.
No, you
WANT to know the exact use of each,
you do not NEED to know -- as long as the compiler is working, who cares? Unless you are working for IBM on the COBOL compiler, there is pretty much no chance you will find out more than what is in the manual already. SYSUT5 is obviously used during processing of COPY statements based on section of the COBOL
Programming Guide while SYSUT7 is used during generation of the program listing. SYSUT1, SYSUT2, SYSUT3, SYSUT4, and SYSUT6 are work files used by the compiler --
and that is all you need to know about them. These files are not used like IEBGENER for copying data -- the compiler stores information in them but IBM has not told us exactly what is stored where, nor why.
As long as the compiler is working correctly, why would you think you need to know such ridiculous information -- the data is not going to be useful unless you are building a compiler of your own?