dick scherrer wrote:Hello,
You could also change the display sysout to a file and then copy that file into the spool if there really is a reason for it to be in the spool. There would be no need to change the program at all - just a minor jcl change.
Dick - Most of the time this will work fine, but not always.
There will be a problem in two situations.
- A program that, in one step, opens a data set, closes the data set, and repeats this foolishness several times. If the JCL specifies DISP=OLD or DISP=NEW, data management will overwrite the data set each time the data set is opened. On the other hand, if the data set is routed to SYSOUT, JES will extend the data set each time it is opened, as though the JCL specified DISP=MOD. I believe this has been reported several times in this forum.
- There may be performance issues if the data set cannot be blocked. This is not an issue if the data set is a SYSOUT data set, since JES automatically blocks the data.