Variable pass in jcl

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Variable pass in jcl

Postby bodhi » Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:50 pm

Hi All,

My requirement is to pass the variable into the sysin dd * . i am explain this through a example.

In first step i have take the date from Rexx date function, which is in a variable and in second step i have to suppy this date value which is in a variable into the dataset name so that i can create a dataset with the current date then ib third step i am sending this dataset through mail.

Thanks in advancs

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Re: Variable pass in jcl

Postby dick scherrer » Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:16 pm


Please post the jcl you need as "output".

It is not clear how the dd * and the dataset name are to be used.
Hope this helps,
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Re: Variable pass in jcl

Postby arunprasad.k » Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:30 pm

My requirement is to pass the variable into the sysin dd *

What is that variable? Why you want to capture that value in SYSIN?

Why don't you write that varable into a file (LRECL=80) and use that as SYSIN DD DSN=?

In first step i have take the date from Rexx date function, which is in a variable and in second step i have to suppy this date value which is in a variable into the dataset name so that i can create a dataset with the current date then ib third step i am sending this dataset through mail.

Do you want to create a dataset with date as one of the qualifier?

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Re: Variable pass in jcl

Postby bodhi » Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:28 pm

hi All,

This is the code:
//IX4837VI JOB (D01C,12C),                                 
//             'EMAIL ATTM',                               
//             CLASS=C,                                     
//             MSGCLASS=V,                                 
//             NOTIFY=&SYSUID,                             
//             MSGLEVEL=(1,1),                             
//             REGION=8M                                   
//TSOB EXEC PGM=IKJEFT1B                                   
//SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=*                                     
//SYSTSPRT DD SYSOUT=*                                     
//DD1      DD DSN=IX00.IX4837.REXX1(DATE),DISP=SHR         
//REPORT   DD DISP=SHR,DSN=PCGS.#8990.D36098A.S0.G0233V00   
//SYSTSIN  DD *                                             
MSGDS 'FC00.FC4854.VINIT.MSG' -                             
SUBJECT 'SUBJECT LINE'-                                     
FILE 'PCGS.#8990.D36098A.S0.G0233V00' -                     
FILENAME DDMISSING&DT.TXT                                   

Above in the sysin dd * i want to pass the value &DT .DT should have the value of current date which is present in the DATE variable. DATE is a rexx function which returns the current date.

Could you please suggest how i can pass this variable in the jcl

Thanks in advance
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Re: Variable pass in jcl

Postby MrSpock » Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:15 pm

I'm sorry, but what is the content of 'IX00.IX4837.REXX1(DATE)'? I don't see where this is a JCL issue, as much as it being an issue for the %XMITIP command to deal with.
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Re: Variable pass in jcl

Postby arunprasad.k » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:16 pm

How about this??

//S01     EXEC PGM=EZACFSM1                                             
//SYSIN   DD *                                                         
%XMITIP BODHI@YAHOO.COM-                                               
MSGDS 'FC00.FC4854.VINIT.MSG' -                                         
SUBJECT 'SUBJECT LINE'-                                                 
FILE 'PCGS.#8990.D36098A.S0.G0233V00' -                                 
FILENAME DDMISSING&LYR2&LMON&LDAY..TXT                                 
//SYSOUT  DD SYSOUT=*                                                   

Output as on Feb, 28, 2008:

%XMITIP BODHI@YAHOO.COM-                                                       
MSGDS 'FC00.FC4854.VINIT.MSG' -                                                 
SUBJECT 'SUBJECT LINE'-                                                         
FILE 'PCGS.#8990.D36098A.S0.G0233V00' -                                         
FILENAME DDMISSING080228.TXT                                                   

Catlg the SYSOUT in a DS of LRECL=80 and pass that to XMITIP.

You can also use some sort products to get the date substutited.

Post if you face any issues or have any questions.

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